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Safety Tips for Installing and Using Above-ground Pool Ladders

top view of an in-pool ladder

If you have an above-ground swimming pool, a pool ladder is a safer way to enter and exit your pool, especially when there are kids around. However, it's important to follow safety guidelines when installing and using pool ladders, to ensure that you are taking all necessary precautions to protect yourself and your family.

Safety guidelines

When it comes to safety, always be mindful of where you place your pool ladder. 

If you have an above-ground pool, the base of your ladder should be placed at least three feet away from the edge of the pool. This allows enough space for people to manoeuvre when using the ladder, while keeping them away from any sharp edges that could cause injury. 

Opt for a ladder with steps that are far enough apart, making it easy to climb in and out of the pool.

Pool ladder options

When it comes to selecting a pool ladder, there are several different options to choose from. For above-ground pools, the most common choice is a step ladder, which provides support and stability when entering and exiting the pool. Step ladders also feature wide non-slip steps for added safety. 

For those looking to add a bit of extra luxury, in-pool ladders are available. These ladders can easily be installed inside the pool and feature handrails for added stability. For a great selection of above ground pool ladders and accessories, browse our range here

Common mistakes to avoid

Some safety considerations when using pool ladders: 

  • Never try to climb onto or off the pool ladder at the same time as another person, as this can lead to dangerous slips or falls. 
  • Never allow children to use the ladder without supervision, since they may not understand the potential dangers. 
  • Avoid placing heavy objects on the ladder as this can weaken or break the steps, causing injury.

When selecting and installing your ladder, be sure to keep safety in mind by following all recommended guidelines. Sterns Backyard offers great pool ladders and accessories to enjoy a fun and safe time around your pool.